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《荒岛余生》Cast Away——失去才懂得珍惜

Cast Away is an American film drama starring Tom Hanks, made in 2000,written by William Broyles Jr.,and directed by Robert Zemeckis. The basic plot of Cast Away is that Tom Hanks plays the character Chuck Noland, who works for FedEx;however, he basically lives, dies, and is pretty much obsessed with clocks and time in general.Chuck is also very distant when it comes to having sympathy for others, and trying to help them when they are in need;however, he wants to help and be more emotional and sympathetic, but it just is not in his character to be this way.


During a Christmas dinner party with his girlfriend, family and friends, Chuck gets a page that he has to make a FedEx delivery. He makes arrangements with his girlfriend, who is played by Helen Hunt, that he will be back to celebrate New Years with her.So, she drops him off at the airport;unfortunately, his plane is in a terrible storm, and for an unknown reason the plane begins to falter and it actually crashes in the Pacifc Ocean.Chuck ends up floating on an emergency raft from the plane, all the way to a deserted island.He ends up spending four years on the island, until a raft is"sent"to him for him to escape and make it back to the real world.


Cast Away is a powerful film that if viewed deeply enough, you can see that it tries to get the viewer to see how much we can take for granted in life, and how we should all be more thankful.


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