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A:What can I help you with?My name s Snow.我能为您做些什么?我叫斯诺。

B:My name s Miller.I would like to go on a bussiness trip to New York.我叫米勒。我想去纽约作商务旅行。

A:To New York?When are you planning on traveling?去纽约?您打算什么时候去?

B:At the end of next month,on October 25th.下个月末,10月25日。

A:On October 25th...and what kind of ticket do you prefer?10月25日……您想买哪种票?

B:Book me one open return,please.By the way,I want to go economy.请给我订一张回程不定期的往返票。我要经济舱的机票。

A:If you ll excuse me for a second,I ll check for you and see what s available.Um...October 25th,an open return,...Yes,I can book you on PanAm Flight 125,is that all right?请稍候片刻,我给您查一下,看看能有哪几趟班机。10月25日……一张不定期往返票……对了,我可以给您订泛美航空公司的125次班机,您看如何?

B:Yes,...but I d prefer a flight on CAAC if it s possible.好。但是如果有可能,我更喜欢乘坐中国民航的班机。

A:Let me check one moment,Um...CAAC...I m sorry they re all booked up for Flight 140.我再查查看。嗯……中国民航。对不起,140次班机都已经订完了。

B:In the case I ll take the PanAm Flight 125,and could you please tell me more about the flight?既然这样,我就乘坐泛美航空公司的125次班机吧。请您再给我讲一讲有关这次班机的情况好吗?

A:Sure.The flight 125to New York is a nonstop flight and the plane can accommodate up to 240 passengers,leaving at 8:30 and traveling time s about 21hours,$2,100 for a round trip.好的。去纽约的125次班机是直达班机,可容纳240名乘客。8点30分起飞,飞行21个小时左右,往返票是2100美元。

B:Fine.It s all OK for me.Thank you.很好。这次班机对我很合适,谢谢您。

A:OK?That s OK with you?Then I ll keep that reservation for you if you want a couple of days to think about it.您觉得合适吗?如果您需要几天时间考虑,我会为您保留这张预订票。

B:No,I prefer to do it now.不用,我想现在定下来。

A:OK.Let s go ahead.Could you tell me your first name,please?好吧,咱们开始订票吧。请问您的名字?

B:John s the first name.我叫约翰。

A:OK.First name is John.Would you be paying by credit card?好,名字是约翰。您用信用卡付费吗?


A:Cash,OK.Just a minute.I ll go ahead to make sure everything s OK...Now here s your ticket,and everything s in order.I m sure you ll have a very pleasant journey.现金,好,等一下,我再来确认一下有没有问题……好了,您的票,一切都办妥了。相信您一定会旅途愉快。

B:Thank you.Byebye.谢谢,再见。

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