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A:Mr.Harrison,how nice to meet you again!哈里森先生,真高兴再见到您。

B:Glad to see you, too.We met two years ago.我也很高兴,我们两年前见过一次。

A:How was your travel?旅途还顺利吧?

B:Yes.The trip was smooth.The service was good.Things couldn t be better.是的,一路上都很顺利。服务也很周到。一切都再好不过了。

A:I m very glad to hear that.But you must be very tired after such a long journey.听您这么说,我很高兴。可是,经过这么久的长途旅行,您一定很疲倦了。

B:Yes,a little bit.But I ll be all right tomorrow.是的,有一点。不过明天就恢复过来了。

A:By the way,how is your wife doing,Harrison?随便问一下,贵夫人近来好吗?

B:She s doing fine,thank you.My wife wanted me to say thanks to you for your gift last time.她很好,谢谢你。我妻子要我代她谢谢你上次送的礼物。

A:Oh,it was nothing.I m glad she liked it.嗯,小意思。她喜欢就好。

B:Your luggage is all here?您的行李就这么多吗?


B:How long do you intend to stay?您打算在这儿呆多久?

A:About three weeks.大约三个星期。

B:Great.We ll have enough time for our talks.那太好了,我们有足够的时间交谈了。

A:Yes,I think so.对,我想是的。

B:You must be very tired after the journey.What about a cup of tea?旅行之后,您肯定累了吧!喝杯茶怎么样?

A:That s a good idea.好主意。

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