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A: Mrs. Jones, I m sorry I won t be able to go to your office Saturday evening.

A: 琼斯夫人,很抱歉我周六晚上不能去你的办公室了。

B: Yes? What is up?

B: 嗯?出了什么事?

A: One of my friends is celebrating his birthday on that day. I have got to be present at the party since he is my best friend.

A: 我的一个好朋友那天要庆祝他的生日。我要去为他庆祝。他是我比较好的朋友。

B: That is all right. I understand. You can come next week then. OK?

B: 好的,我明白了。那么你可以下周再过来,好吗?

A: All right, thank you, Mrs. Jones, I will.

A: 好的,谢谢你,琼斯夫人。我会的。


A: Hello, may I speak to John, please?

A: 你好,请找约翰接电话好吗?

B: This is John.

B: 我就是。

A: This is Tom. I m sorry to say that I won t be able to keep my 4∶30 appointment.

A: 我是汤姆。真对不起,我不能按时赴我们4点半的约会了。

B: Yes?What s up?

B: 是吗?发生什么事了?

A: Something urgent happened. Do you think it convenient to postpone it till 6∶00?

A: 我突然有点儿急事儿。你看我们把约会推迟到6点方便吗?

B: Yes. Let s make it 6∶00 then.

B: 没问题,那就定在6点吧。

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