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A:What about the outer packing?怎样解决外包装问题呢?

B:We ll pack them 10dozen to one carton,gross weight around 25kilos a carton.10打装一箱,毛重一箱25公斤。


B:Yes,corrugated cardboard boxes.是的,水波纹纸板箱。

A:Could you use wooden cases instead?能否用木箱代替?

B:Why use wooden cases?为什么用木箱?

A:I m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for sea transportation.恐怕纸箱经不住海运。

B:The cartons are comparatively light,and therefore easy to handle.They won t be stowed with other heavy cargoes.The stevedores will see to that.Besides,we ll reinforce the cartons with plastic straps.Shirts are not fragile goods.They can stand a lot of jolting.纸箱较轻,容易搬运,不会与其他重货混装。搬运工会格外注意。除此之外,我们会用塑胶绳把箱子加固。衬衫不是易碎物,它们经得起激烈颠簸。

A:Maybe you are right,but the goods are to be transshipped at Hong Kong.If the boxes are moved about on an open wharf,dampness or rain may get into them.This would make the goods spotted or ruined.可能你是对的,但货物要在香港转船。如果纸箱在露天码头移动,会受潮或淋雨。这会把衣服弄上斑点,还会变形。

B:No need to worry about that.The cartons are lined with waterproof plastic sheets,and as the boxes are made of cardboard,they will be handled with care.不用担心。箱子衬有防水塑料布,由于箱子是纸板做的,搬运时也会小心。

A:Well,I don t want to take any chances.Besides,cartons are easy to cut open,and this increases the risk of pilferage.噢,我不想碰运气。此外,纸箱很容易被割开,这就增加了偷窃的风险。

B:Tampering with cartons is easily detected.I should say that this rather discourages pilferage.撬纸箱很容易被发现,这在相当程度上阻止了偷窃的发生。

A:Maybe so,but I m afraid that in case of damage or pilferage,the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packing,or packing unsuitable for sea voyage.也可能是这样的,但是我担心,在破损或偷窃案件中,保险公司拒绝赔偿由于不当包装造成的损失,也拒绝赔偿由于不适合海运的包装而造成的损失。

B:But cartons are quite seaworthy.They are extensively used in our shipments to continental ports.They are never any complaints from our clients,and such packing has also been approved by our insurance company for WPA and TPND coverage.但纸箱是很适于海运的。它们被广泛使用于洲际港口之间的运输,从来没有从客户那里听到任何抱怨。而且对水渍险和提货不着险,已得到我们保险公司的认可。

A:If you could guarantee compensation in case the insurance company refuses to honor a claim for faulty packing,we would be quite willing to accept cartons.万一保险公司拒绝赔偿由于错误包装引起的损失,如果你们能保证赔偿的话,我们很愿意接受纸箱。

B:I m sorry,but we can t take on any responsibility that is beyond our functions and powers.We ll make sure that the packing is seaworthy,but we can t commit ourselves to being responsible for every kind of mishap.很抱歉,我们不能承担任何超出我们职责和能力的责任。我们会确保包装适合海运,但对任何不幸,我们都不能承诺。

A:I can understand your position.Perhaps I m asking too much.我能理解你的处境,也许我要求得太多了。

B:We ll use wooden cases if you insist,but the charge for that kind of packing will be considerably higher,and it also slows down delivery.如果你方坚持,我们可以用木箱,但包装费就会相当高,也会减慢装运速度。

A:Well,I ll cable home immediately for instructions on the matter.那我马上就此事给国内发电请求指示。

B:Please do.I ll be waiting for your reply.好吧,我等你的消息。

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