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A:Have a seat, Tommy. Did you ever think about promoting our products in China s market since we talked about it last time?请坐,Tommy。我想谈谈如何把我们的产品推向中国市场,上次我们谈过之后,你有没有考虑过?

B:Yes, of course. I think we should have a place in this big market, even if only a small number of Chinese use exercises machines. With the world s largest population, it s a great number.当然。我想我们应该在这个大市场上有一席之地。即使只有少数中国人使用健身器材,由于有世界上最多的人口,那也是很大的比例了。

A:That s right. I want to make sure we don t put our money at risk. What kind of people do you think would use our products?对。我想确定我们不是拿钱冒险。你认为什么样的中国人会用我们的产品呢?

B:People in the city. There are more and more people working in offices. They are stressed out at work, and they don t have time to do outdoor exercises. Retired people, many of whom have the habit of doing exercises, can stay in and use our machines when the weather isn t nice. And housewives.城市里的人。越来越多的人在办公室工作。他们工作压力太大,而且没有时间做户外活动。退休的人,这些人很多都有锻炼的习惯,如果天气不好,他们可以呆在家里使用我们的产品。还有家庭主妇。

A:Good thinking. What models do you think they prefer?想法很好。他们会喜欢什么型号呢?

B:You know most Chinese in cities live in apartments. They don t have much room for a big monster. So I think space economic models will be popular.你知道,大多数中国城市里的人都住在公寓里。他们没有地方放一个大健身器。所以我想节约空间的型号应该很受欢迎。

A:OK, I see what you mean. Will you do some research on demographics, models and price ranges? Then we can decide to export or to invest?我明白了。你能做一下调查,弄清楚人口特征,所需型号以及价格范围吗?然后我们再决定是做出口还是投资。

B:Sure. I ll find a survey institute in Hong Kong to do the market research for us.可以。我找一家在香港的调研机构来做这个市场调查。

A:That s good.那很好。

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