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When you see an Apple iPhone, a RIM Blackberry, a HTC, a Samsung Galaxy or a Sony Ericsson Xperia, you might say they are smartphones being used today worldwide. But what is the exact definition of smartphone? A smartphone is a mobile device that provides cellular features along with Internet access capabilities. Additionally, they come with media players, high resolution cameras, touch screens, GPS navigators, Wi-Fi and several other user applications. Smartphones have powerful computing abilities similar to that of a personal computer.


There is a break neck speed of consumers adopting smart phones, faster than any hi-tech gadget in the history. As smart phones are proliferating, the smart phone users are cutting the cord of computers. Currently 63% of the web traffic is generated by computers, which soon will decline to 46% by 2015 according to a report by Cisco. There are now fewer and fewer things that make laptop better than the smart phones.


A smart phone combines the functioning of a PDA and a mobile phone. A PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) is a device that functions as a personal information manager. Current PDA's have the ability to connect to the internet or can access intranet and extranet via WiFi or wireless wide area network. Younger generation below 30 with low incomes found smart phones as suitable replacements for buying expensive computers and paying DSL or cable modem bills every month. In a manner of saying, Smartphones integrate the functions of a Cellphone and a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) or a Handheld PC


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