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你只须坐3 个小时的飞机,就可以从英国抵达希腊的某些地方,因此,这里就成了吸引英国人的短距离旅游地。下面小编为大家整理的希腊的英文介绍,希望对大家有用!


Some parts of Greece are just a three hour flight away from the UK, making it very much a short haul destination for Brits.It is sometimes wonderful to know that in such a short space of time the gloomy grey and cold can be left behind and within minutes of stepping off the plane, the sun restores the smiles and hope.Greece has long been a popular holiday home destination and people continue to flock there year in year out, knowing that the sun will shine.There are many resorts that are well known either on the mainland or on one of the many islands dotted around the country but even recently new areas are opening up to tourists that had not yet been discovered by holiday makers.In recent years some Hollywood films based in the country have wowed viewers with its glorious scenery and unspoiled landscapes, “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” and most recently the hit movie “Mamma Mia”, leave people exiting theatres vowing that they must go on vacation to this amazing place they have witnessed on the screen.

I have many fond memories of my times in Greece, the seemingly endless blue skies, crystal clear waters and beautiful night air. Sometimes interspersed with a dramatic and fascinating night time thunder storm with rain so heavy you think it will break the ground! These are only fleeting through and the locals barely raise an eyebrow as they know in a few minutes order will be restored.I think the generosity of the people struck me the most and when there are so many great things on offer in this country that is high praise indeed! The warmth and the welcome in which the locals seem to accept you should be boxed and sold to the world as a lesson in hospitality.I remember one occasion when the night air had an unusual chill to it and a group of friends and I were dining alfresco and began to shiver and wish we had chosen seats inside of which there were now none available. The owners of the restaurant obviously unable to offer us seats inside and recognizing our discomfort brought each of us a warm coat to wear. This kind of hospitality is usually so rare, but not in Greece!

However you choose to visit Greece, it is clear that the country itself and its people will rarely let you down. Perhaps a back pack and some island hopping, a beach holiday in a hotel where everything is provided for you or perhaps a luxurious villa rental, where the freedom of self catering is what you seek to give you a base to explore the treasures of Greece.

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