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Family love is a kind of affection or emotional bond between the parents and their children and other family members, whether poor or wealthy, in sickness or in health, they respect and love each other, share the happiness and sadness.


Family love is the foundation of family because it helps members to be concerned about each other's well being. With love there is understanding, trust and devotion that make a family what it is. Love also undertakes caring and sharing.


Family love is a natural affection and love that makes parents inclined to the sacrifices of growing up kids, performing household activities and meeting the financial requirements. If the affection factor is absent no one would have lived dedicatedly for the family. The affection obligates parents to take pain of looking after the kids and similarly, kids to love and obey the parents. Constantly nurturing the affection in the family is essential to keep the bond of love between the members of the family. It is the unmatched affection that creates the belongingness in the family life.


Family love is not benevolence but a commitment. Verbal expressions of affection, quality time spent with the family, gifts, mutual services, affectionate touch are the most advised modes of nurturing the affection in the family between the family members.


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