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A: Hey Jerry. Would you like to join me for coffee? Looks like you need a break. I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had.

B: Okay,yeah. I could use a break. Let's go. . . So what was it that you wanted to ask me about?

A: Well,you're our head computer guy,right? You're amazing. I really admire the way you can solve so many technical problems that leave the rest of us baffled.

B: Well,it's no biggie. . .

A: I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had for a new office-wide program. We can eliminate a lot of the problems we are having by getting all office computers hooked up on a network system. What you've got to gain out of all this will be less problems to deal with in troubleshooting over the phone,because the system will be much easier to access from your own computer.

B: Sounds like a good idea,but do you think the bosses will go for it? I think they were kind of concerned about hackers or something like that.

A: I anticipated you might have that concern. I don't think it will be a problem. We can set up firewalls and the like. I just need someone to convince the powers that be that it is feasible.

B: What? You want me to talk to them? Forget it man,I'm just the computer guy.

A: I know how you feel. But you're not a small potato in their eyes. You're the guy who keeps us all working smoothly. What would we do without you running around and making sure our computers are working? Just think how much you stand to gain from this. . .










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