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A:Good morning,Mr.Watt.Would you like me to give you the rundown of your itinerary now?早晨好,瓦特先生。我现在向您简略报告一下您的日程,好吗?

B:Yes.Please come in,Anne.好。请进来,安妮。

A:Mr.Watt.You will arrive at J.F.Kennedy Airport on July 10th and I ve booked you into the Holiday Inn Hotel in Manhattan...瓦特先生,7月10日您会飞抵肯尼迪机场,我已为您订了曼哈顿的假日酒店……

B:Wait,Anne.Did you tell me yesterday that you would book the Hilton Hotel for me?等等,安妮,昨天你不是说会为我订希尔顿酒店吗?

A:Yes,but I m sorry to say that it s fully booked,so I chose one in the same class for you.Will it be okay?是的,但很抱歉该酒店房间已订满,所以我为您选了一间同级酒店,这样安排可以吗?

B:Fine,thanks.Please go on.好的,谢谢。请继续。

A:During the next two days,you will go to the Convention Hall to visit the fair.On July 14th,you ll have a meeting with Mr Hans in the morning and Ms Johnson in the afternoon.Here re their address and telephone numbers.The next day you ll fly back home.接下来的两天,您将到会议中心参观展览。在7月14日,早上要与汉斯先生会面,下午与约翰逊小姐会面。这是他们的联络地址及电话号码。第二天,您便搭机回家。

B:Very good,Anne.I think you ve applied the petty cash for my trip,haven t you?非常好,安妮。我想你已为我申请了旅程中需要的零用钱吧?

A:Yes,I did.Here it is.有的,这就是了。

B:Thank you.In addition,please send a fax to our US office informing Mr.Li about my schedule.So that he may contact me during my stay in the USA.谢谢。另外,请发一份传真给美国办事处的李先生,将我的日程通知他,以便我在美国时与我联络。

A:Of course,sir.I ll send it right away.当然,先生。我马上发。

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