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A:A Miss Lucy Gray telephoned this morning in answer to our advertisement for a junior secretary.一位叫露西·格雷的小姐今天上午打电话来应聘初级秘书。

B:What did she sound like?她听上去怎么样?

A:She sounded very nice on the telephone.She spoke very clearly.She has been working as a shorthand typist at the National Bank for the last two years.她在电话里听起来很不错。她讲话很清楚。她在国家银行做了两年速记打字员。

B:Did you ask her to come for an interview?你请她来面试了吗?

A:Yes.She s coming next Thursday at four o clock.是的,她下星期四下午4点来。

B:Fine.Have you sent her an application form?很好。你给她寄申请表了吗?

A:Yes,I have.And she s going to bring it with her when she comes for aninterview next Thursday.寄了。她会在下周四来面试的时候把申请表带来。

B:Good.When she arrives,give her a short dictation and typing test.Let me know how she gets on with it.If you think she s satisfactory,I ll interview her myself.好的。她来了以后,你给她做一个简短的听写和打字测试,然后告诉我她做得如何。如果你满意的话,我再亲自给她面试。

A:Very well,Mr.Smith.If all goes well,I ll bring her to meet you at halfpast four.可以。如果一切顺利的话,我4点半带她来见您。

C:Good afternoon.I have an appointment with Miss White at four o clock.下午好。我和怀特小姐已经约好了4点钟见面。

A:That s right.I m Miss White.You must be Lucy Gray.Do come in and sit down.是的,我就是怀特小姐。您一定是露西·格雷吧。进来,请坐。

C:Thank you very much.谢谢。

A:I sent you an application form.Did you receive it?我给您寄去了申请表,您收到了吗?

C:Yes,I did.I ve completed it and brought it with me.Here it is.我收到了。我已经填好带来了,在这。

A:Good.Now let me tell you something about the job and the Company.Mr.Smith is the general manager of the company and I m his secretary.I have a great deal of work to do,so Mr.Smith decided to employ a junior secretary to help me.很好。现在我向你介绍一下你的工作及公司的情况。史密斯先生是公司的总经理,我是他的秘书。我有很多工作要做,所以史密斯先生决定招聘一位初级秘书来帮助我。

C:Oh,I see.So my work would be to help you?哦,我知道了,我的工作就是协助你?

A:Yes,you would answer the telephone;do the filing and some shorthand typewriting.Can you use a duplicator?是的,你主要负责接电话,整理文件和一些速记打字工作。你会用复印机吗?

C:Yes,I can.会用。

A:Oh,good.Now,I m going to give you a short dictation and typing test,and then Mr.Smith wants to see you.好的。现在我给你做一个听写和打字的测试,然后我带你去见史密斯先生。

C:Thank you.谢谢您。

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