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A:Welcome to our company,Mr.Wu.吴先生,欢迎您到我们公司来。

B:Thank you.I m very glad to have the opportunity to visit your company.What shall we do now?谢谢,我很高兴能有机会来你们公司参观。现在我们干什么?

A:Mr.Wu,I suppose you re very tired from the trip.We ll send you to the hotel instead.长途旅行之后,您一定很累了,我们先送您去酒店吧。

B:Just what I need.I want to take a hot bath.这正是我所需要的,我正想洗个热水澡呢。

A:This evening at six o clock,our general manager,Mr.Smith will have dinner with you.今天晚上6点钟,我们的总经理史密斯先生将与您共进晚餐。

B:Good.Will you come,too?太好了,您也来吗?

A:Yes.Here is a copy of the itinerary we have worked out for you.Our meeting will be held at 3∶00 tomorrow afternoon.And tomorrow morning I will guide you to visit our company.We also arrange a day for you to have a city tour and go shopping.是的,我也去。吴先生,这是我们为您准备的一份这几天的日程安排。我们的会议将在明天下午3点举行,明天上午我带您参观一下我们公司,同时我们还为您安排了一天观光和购物的时间。

B:Good,thank you very much.By the way,when and where shall we meet tonight?太好了,非常感谢,顺便问一下,今天晚上我们什么时候在哪见面?

A:Will you be ready by 5∶50 and wait for us in the lobby?我们 5∶50在酒店大厅见,好吗?

B:Fine,see you then.好的,到时候见。

A:See you.再见。

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