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A:Now that we have reached an agreement on price,insurance,packing and payment,etc.,we can talk about the next problem—shipment,will you?既然我们已经在价格、保险、包装、付款等问题上达成协议,那么现在可以讨论下一个问题——装运了吗?

B:That s good.Would you tell me your shipment of the goods?好的,您能告诉我你方运输这批货的方式吗?

A:We usually ship the goods by regular lines.我方通常采用班轮运输。

B:Could you consider prompt shipment for this set of commodity?对这批货你方能考虑即期运输吗?

A:No,I m afraid it s difficult for us to do so,because we cannot get all the goods from our manufacturers soon.恐怕很难办到,因为我方不能很快从厂家那儿得到全部货物。

B:When is the exact deadline of the loading period?什么时候是确切的装船最后期限?

A:In order to make it easier for us to get the goods,we hope that partial shipment will be allowed.为了便于我方准备好货物装运,我方希望允许分批装运。

B:The goods we ordered are seasonal goods,so it will be better to ship them all at one time.我方订购的是季节性商品,因此一次性装运较好。

A:I am very sorry for we can t ship them all at one time,because it happens that there is no direct steamer from here to your port in these two months.I was informed by our shipping department yesterday that liner space for England up to the end of next month has been fully booked.I m afraid we can do very little about it.很抱歉我方无法一次装运,因为不巧这两个月没有从这里开往你方港口的直达货轮。昨天我方的装运部通知我到下月底开往英国的班轮船位已经全部订满。恐怕我方无能为力。

B:We know tramps are still available.据我方了解,不定期货轮还是有的。

A:Yes,but tramps are scarce.I am not sure whether there would be enough tonnage to make a full cargo,even if a tramp could be obtained.是的,不过很少。即使有这样一艘不定期货轮,我方也不敢担保是否有足够的吨位装运全部货物。

B:Have you thought of transshipment?你有没有想过转船?

A:Yes,but transshipment adds to the expenses,risks of damage and sometimes may delay arrival because there is also a shortage of transshipment space for England.想过,但转船会增加费用和损坏的风险。因为到英国的转船舱位短缺,可能会延误抵达。

B:Of course we prefer direct shipment,but if you can t get hold of a direct vessel,we may agree to have the goods transshipped.You know,good quality and competitive price would mean nothing if goods could not be put on the market on time.当然,我方愿意直运,但若你方找不到直达船,我方同意转船。您知道,尽管质量优良,价格低廉,若货物不能准时投放市场,那一切都是枉然。

A:What you say is fully right,we can understand this,and we ll find out the situation about the connecting steamer right away.你说的完全正确,我方能理解。我方将立即了解转船的情况。

B:As far as I know,Hong Kong Shipping Agent Ltd.has a liner sailing from Hong Kong for England around mid June.If you could manage to catch that vessel,everything would be all right.据我所知,香港船务代理公司6月中旬有一艘班轮从香港开往英国。如果你方能设法赶上那条船,一切就好办了。

A:It s very difficult for us to accept a designated vessel.There are so many factors that might make the goods miss the intended sailing.Besides,are you sure the vessel will call at London?And is it already carrying a full load?我方很难接受指定的船。有很多因素会使货物错过装船期。此外,你确定这条船停靠伦敦港口吗?船是否已经满载?

B:I think if we start immediately,there is still hope.我认为,如果我们立即行动就还有希望。

A:Good.Then what would you say if we put it like this:“The first partial goods will be shipped on the first available steamer in the middle of June.Transshipment may be allowed.”好。如果这样写您看怎么样:“第一批货将于6月中旬装上第一艘订到的船。允许转船。”

B:All right.很好,就这样。

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