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A:Is it simple to buy in and sell out stocks online?网上买卖股票,操作容易吗?

B:Yes it is.You should log in the server,and fill in the account,password,etc.容易,您要先登录服务器,并填好账号、密码等信息。

A:Is the procedure complex to entrust after logging in successfully?登录成功后委托过程复杂吗?

B:No,it isn t.When we buy in stocks,we need input the stock code.The system will fill in the price in “the trust price item” automatically and give you the number of stocks that can be bought.不复杂。买入时我们需要输入证券代码。系统会自动在“委托价格”项填入价格,并给出可买股数。

A:If I don t want to invest all my capital,can I change the trust amount?如果我不想把资金全部用完,可以改变委托数量吗?

B:Certainly.You can change both the trust price and the trust amount.当然。委托价格和委托数量都可以更改。

A:Isn t selling out similar to buying in?卖出与买入应该差不多吧!

B:Yes,it s simpler than buying in.You can see the list you hold on the interface,and you only need double click the stock to be sold.是,比买入还容易。界面上展示了你现在的持股列表,双击你要卖出的股票即可。

A:Can I cancel the bill?也可以撤单吗?

B:Yes.After the system carried out the cancel,you should double click some trust item to decide whether to cancel or not.You should know that if you have struck a bargain,you should t cancel it.可以,系统执行撤单选项后,双击某一项委托来决定是否进行撤单,要注意,已成交的不可撤单哦。

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