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A:I often run into the word“configuration”of a computer.Can you tell me what are they?我经常碰到计算机“配置”这个词儿。你能告诉我它们是什么吗?

B:They are the CPU,the memory,the input/output devices,and the storage devices.它们是中央处理器、存储器、输入/输出设备及存储设备。

A:How about we shoot them one by one again,kicking off with the CPU first?我们从中央处理器起再逐个过一遍怎么样?

B:No problem!A CPU is the heart or the brain of a computer.The performance of a computer highly depends on the performance of its CPU.没问题!中央处理器是计算机的心脏或大脑。计算机的性能很大程度上取决于其中中央处理器的性能。

A:I can tell.Can you tell me what a CPU includes,please?明白。请问中央处理器都包括什么呢?

B:A CPU includes two parts—the ALU and the control unit or the controller.We just discussed them a moment ago,so I don t think we need to go over them yet.一片中央处理器包括两部分:算术逻辑单元及控制单元或控制器。我们刚刚讨论过它们,所以我想我们还没有必要复习。

A:You just took the words from my mouth.我也正想这么说呢。

B:What I am going to stress here is how to assess the performance of a CPU.在这儿我想强调的是如何评估中央处理器的性能。

A:Go ahead.I am listening.说吧,我洗耳恭听。

B:Well,the number of operations executed within one second by a CPU is a major index.中央处理器在一秒钟内所执行运算的次数是主要指标。

A:So if it sends out 1,000,000 pulses in one second,is the frequency of the system clock 1MHz?这么说如果时钟在一秒钟内发出一百万个脉冲信号,那么该系统时钟的频率就为1MHz吗?

B:Dead right!You are learning,Tom.一点儿不错!你学问见长啊,汤姆。

A:Haha...You turn me on.哈哈……是你把我的热情调动起来的。

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