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A:Can you tell me about software?你能给我讲讲软件吗?

B:Software refers to the programs,the intangible components,as opposed to hardware,which,as you know,refers to the physical components of the computer.软件指的是程序,与你所知道的作为计算机组成的硬件正相反,它是计算机的无形组成部分。

A:After the new system is designed,does the user begin to work on the software?新系统被设计之后,用户就开始制作软件了吗?

B:Yes.For instance,in a large system,such as one in a bank,the next step is to divide the system into smaller program modules.Each module performs a specific task.For instance,there is a module for individual customer accounts,another for corporate accounts,a third for employee payroll accounts,and so on.是的。例如,在一个大系统中,比如说在银行工作程序里,下一步就是把整个系统分成几个较小的模块。每个模块都执行特定的任务。例如:用于处理个体客户账目的模块,用于处理公司账目的模块,以及用于处理雇员工资账目的模块等等。

A:And each of these modules is assigned to a programmer.Then what happens?每一模块都被分配给一个程序员负责,他怎样完成这个工作呢?

B:The programmer determines an algorithm,a series of steps to accomplish a given task.Then he or she designs a program flowchart,a diagram of the steps involved,using a template.Finally,from the program flowchart,the program is encoded into program instructions.It s these instructions which the computer uses to execute the program.首先,每一位程序员要确定一种算法,即一系列完成该任务的步骤。然后,他或她使用模板设计程序流程图,也就是用图表表示出所要做的每一步骤。最后,根据程序流程图,程序员将程序编写为指令序列。计算机正是使用这些指令来执行程序的。

A:Does each module have to be debugged?每一个模块都必须进行排错吗?

B:Of course.There are countless ways bugs can creep in.For instance,the programmer may make a syntax error in a statement.The compiler,recognizing incorrect syntax,will print a diagnostic message.当然。错误进入计算机的途径不计其数。例如:程序员在一个语句中可能会犯语法错误。编译程序可以识别出错误语法并打印出诊断信息。

A:Is it the compiler program that translates all the statements into machine language?正是编译程序把所有语句翻译成机器语言的吧?

B:Yes.This is done in the compilation run.The 0 s and 1 s of the machine language are used by the CPU to execute the program.是的。这一过程是在编译程序运行时完成的。CPU是用0和1表示的机器语言来执行程序的。

A:How are bugs found in the execution run?在执行程序时如何发现程序中的错误呢?

B:With prepared test data.When a program is debugged,the test data should produce the expected results.用准备好的测试数据来检测错误。当一个程序中的错误被排除后,测试数据应该得出预期的结果。

A:I see how it works.When all smaller modules are properly running,they are grouped together,tested as a single module,and debugged.Once the overall program is working properly,then it is ready to go online.我知道编程是怎样进行的了。当所有小的程序模块正常运行后,把这些小模块组合在一起作为一个整体,再来测试和排错。一旦整体程序正常运行后,这个程序就可以准备联机了。

B:That s right.对。

A:Are all programs written in this way?所有程序都是这样编写的吗?

B:No.This is just one approach to programming.Programs are not always broken down into modules.There is one more important step;programs should be documented.Without documentation describing the system,further modification is very difficult.不是。这只是编程的一种途径。程序也不总是被分为若干个模块。另外,还有一个重要的步骤,就是要对程序进行文档编制。如果没有描述系统的说明文档,以后对程序做进一步修改将是非常困难的。

A:Oh,I see.哦!我明白了。

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