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Bob:Hello,this is Bob.May I speak to Prof.Yang?

Laura:I’m sorry.He’s just out for a meeting.

Bob:What time is he expected back?

Laura:About two hours later.Would you like to try again in two hours?

Bob:OK.Thank you.

Laura:Not at all.

Bob:Hi,this is Bob again.I’d like to speak to Prof.Yang,please.

Laura:Just a second,please.Prof.

Yang:Hello,this is Prof.Yang.Who’s calling,please?

Bob:Hello,Prof.Yang.This is Bob,a student of English major in 2013.Prof.

Yang:Oh,what’s up?

Bob:Prof.Yang,I heard that we start to choose the selected courses.But what course does the school offer this year?Prof.

Yang:You can search the list on the web site of our school.

Bob:En,there are so many courses that I don’t know which one is fit for me.Prof.

Yang:You could select the one you are interested in.

Bob:Ok,thank you very much.Bye,Prof.Yang.Prof.

Yang:Bye.And please remember the cut-off date.

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