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Ben:Hi,Lee,I’m glad you can come!

Lee:Thanks for inviting me.I brought you some flowers.

Ben:Thanks.How beautiful.Come in,please.I want you to meet my wife,Jane.

Lee:Hi,Jane.I’ve heard a lot about you!Ben always talks about you.

Jane:Hi,Lee.Nice to meet you.Please make yourself at home.

Lee:Thank you.

Jane:My husband told me that you are a college student.

Lee:Yes,I am a Chinese major.I love it and I love my country,especially my hometown.

Jane:I am very interested in Chinese.I love it,too.Talk about your hometown.

Lee:Well,I come from the city of Leshan.It’s a city with beautiful sights and delicious food.Anyone who has been there likes it.You can come and I can be your guide.

Jane:Thanks.That’s wonderful!Oh,dinner will be ready in 15 minutes.I make some Chinese food today and I hope you will like it.

Lee:Wow,you can cook Chinese food?Is there anything I can do to help?

Jane:No,thank you.

Lee:Perhaps the only thing I can do is praise the delicious dishes later.

Ben:Jane is a fabulous cook!(All burst into laughter)

Lee:Do you have any plan this weekend?

Ben:No,we have no plan.We wanted to go somewhere to relax,but we couldn’t decide where to go.

Lee:How about going to Leshan?You can see the Giant Stone Buddha at Leshan Mountain.

Ben:That sounds nice!

Lee:And you can try the snacks there,some are really spicy.

Ben:We’d love to go!Thank you very much.

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