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Cashier:Good morning.

Consumer:Good morning.There are lots of customers in the sales area,you should open more checks-out.

Cashier:Sorry for that.Please put your things up on the checkout counter.Thanks.


Cashier:How will you pay,cash or credit card?

Consumer:Credit card.

Cashier:Sorry,a bar code is missing on this item.Could you wait for a minute?

Consumer:No problem.

Cashier:Thanks for your waiting.

Consumer:The pair of trousers is for my brother.If they do not fit him,can I return it and refund my money?

Cashier:You can come back for alteration.Alterations are free of charge at the fitting room.As for a refund,you have to go to the information desk.

Consumer:OK,thanks.By the way,do you deliver appliance like washing machine free of charge?

Cashier:We do provide home deliver service.But it is not free.

Consumer:I see.

Cashier:Do you need a shopping bag?

Consumer:Yes,I need one.And can you wrap the trousers for me?

Cashier:Sorry,I can not,but wrapping is available at the information desk on the first floor.

Consumer:All right.Thank you.

Cashier:The total is$105.Please enter your password.


Cashier:Can you sign here for the settlement?

Consumer:Yes.Here you are.

Cashier:Here is your receipt.Thanks for your coming!

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