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David:Good evening,my honored teachers and dear friends,ladies and gentlemen,welcome to this Song Contest.I’m David,your host today.

Xiao Ming:Good evening,I’m Xiao Ming,from English Department.It’s my honor to co-host today’s contest with David.

David:In today’s competition,there are 15 contestants from different departments.Thanks for our contestants and they did spend a long time to prepare for this in order to show the best performance.

Xiao Ming:Now,let’s introduce today’s honorable leaders and guests.Mr.Liu,the president of our school;Mrs.Song,the dean of English Department;Mr.Wang,the dean of Chinese Department……

David:And this competition will be decided by 8 judges.

Xiao Ming:Now,I have the great privilege of introducing today’s judges.Professor Liu,Professor Zhang,Professor Li,our foreign teacher Mary,Lily,Jack,Eric,Oliva.

David:Welcome!Thanks for your coming!

Xiao Ming:OK,after introducing our judges,now let’s see the rules and grading standards.

David:This contest will be divided into two parts.Part one,each contestant will sing the song which is appointed by the judges.Part two,contestants can sing the song prepared by them.

Xiao Ming:Now,please welcome contestant No.1.Contestant No.2 please gets ready.(2 hours later)

David:Welcome back to the English Song Contest,ladies and gentlemen.After our judges’discussion,the exciting moment is coming.

Xiao Ming:Right now,what I am going to announce is the first winner.Ladies and gentlemen,the first winner of the competition is contestant No.12.Congratulations!

David:Till now,our competition has come to an end.Thank you for your coming!See you next time,bye-bye.

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