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A: Excuse me, Miss. I just deplaned from Flight CA985 of Air China coming from Beijing. And I was going to fly on to Boston on flight AA102 departing at 15:00 sharp.

A: 对不起,小姐。我刚从北京来的CA985 航班下来,原打算乘坐下午3点起飞的AA102航班飞往波士顿。

B: But flight AA102 departed to Boston 20 minutes ago.

B: 但AA102航班20分钟前就飞往波士顿了。

A: Yes. If flight CA985 had departed from Beijing at 8:35 from Beijing time this morning and arrived here at 14:00 this afternoon, I could have caught AA102.But it was delayed more than 3 hours because of the weather.

A: 对。要是 CA985航班能在今天北京时间早上8点35分起飞,今天下午2点到这儿的话,我就能赶上AA102航班了。可是CA985航班因为天气原因延误了3个多小时。

B: I see. What's your idea then?

B: 我明白了。您现在有什么想法?

A: I have an important activity there tomorrow and I must be there. If I cannot get there on time, it has to be put off and the arrangements for several hundred people will be in a muddle.

A: 我明天在波士顿有个重要活动,我必须得到场。如果我到不了,活动得推迟,数百人的安排就全被打乱了。

B:I'll try my best to make arrangement for you. Would you please take a seat and wait?

B: 我一定想办法为您安排。请坐下来等等好吗?

A: OK, thank you.

A: 好,谢谢。

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