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Gorge: Hi Nancy, you also came to listen the “energy and the sustainable development” report?


Nancy: Yes. What are your feelings about this report?


Gorge: I think I learn a lot. As known to all, with the development of society, a large of energy sources have been used, such as coal, petroleum, natural gas and so on. However, the quantity of energy source is limited. Unlimited usage of energy source results in energy crisis.


Nancy: Yes, you are right. Since the first “energy crisis” of 1973-1974, it has appeared several times. The economies of some petroleum-deficient developing countries have been devastated by energy crisis.


Gorge: The fossil energy resource, for example coal, is unlike sunlight. They’re not reproductive during human history. Once consumed, they’re gone forever. In addition, the high pollution produced by coal is also an issue that should be taken into consideration.


Nancy: So, obviously, solving the “energy crisis” and keep sustainable development make sense. Many schemes have been proposed for conserving present energy resources and developing new ones.


Gorge: Yes, I think developing new energy is imperative. Such as wind power solar energy, water power, nuclear fusion power, and hydrogen gas.


Nancy: Therefore, energy engineer is created and developed. The first goal of it is to determine the methods by which energy utilization is reduced but the output remains the same or even increases. The second goal is to determine which methods of using less energy are most effectively.


Gorge: So, we can live a low-carbon life. Low-carbon has become a high-frequency and fashionable word recently. Low-carbon life means a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and carbon greenhouse gas emissions.


Nancy: Yes, how can we live a low-carbon life? I think firstly, we should recognize that low-carbon life is not only a kind of lifestyle but also life attitude. Each of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions .Secondly we should develop good habits in our daily lives.


Gorge: Yes, we know that all motorized travel is carbon-intensive. Buses and trains are better than cars, but walking or cycling is best.


Nancy: Besides, we should enhance our professional knowledge.


Gorge: Yes. Now, let’s go back to prepare our studies.


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