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A new term has become popular recently among Chinese netizens: “naked marriage” (裸婚). Don’t be mistaken, but the term has a special meaning: it means getting married without a house, a car, a diamond ring and a proper wedding ceremony. Just taking a picture and getting a marriage certificate is all that is involved. Will you accept such kind of marriage?

Among these “naked” aspects, having no house is the key point. A popular Chinese TV drama, Dwelling Narrowness, strikes chord with China’s “house slaves” (房奴), especially those born after 1980, whose youth ambitions are wrecked because of the high property prices in China and inability to afford a mortgage.

Perhaps “naked marriage” is common in Western countries, as couples in love will not care too much about having no flat, car or a big fat bank account. However, it is different in China, as housing is a very important symbolic guarantee. Few unmarried young women (or their parents) would agree to marry to unsuccessful men. And one important criteria of success is whether you have a flat.

This seems to be confirmed by an online survey last month conducted by Sohu. In a survey named “In this new era, will you accept naked marriage?”, 43% say they will and 47% say they will not. However, when the result is classified by sex, it reveals a more interesting pattern: 80% of male will accept while 70% of female will not.

One day back in 2002, university graduates Leon Han and Yvonne Feng made the decision to walk down the aisle “naked”. Although they did don clothes, the union—called a “naked marriage”—lacked some of the other finery that usually accompanies a Chinese wedding: a house, a car, a banquet, a lavish honeymoon or even a ring. They chose to be bound in matrimony but not by material things. “If you do away with all the rituals and big gestures, marriage does not fundamentally change who you are,” explains Feng, who is now mother to a one-year-old boy.

广州勤学教育信息技术有限公司©版权所有 粤ICP备10236336号-4更新时间:2022-11-03