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Adam: With China’s entry into WTO, its food and agriculture markets are sure to face a shake-up. From the Ministry of Health’s perspective, what are the major issues facing China’s food industry today?


Mike: A new national concern involves misleading claims by China’s growing health food industry.


Adam: Many health foods advertise they can cure diseases.


Mike: But these claims often lack scientific basis or regulatory approval.

麦克: 但是这些言论通常不是缺乏科学依据就是没有得到有关部门的认可。

Adam: What other areas of concern in the food industry is MOH focusing on?


Mike: Along-standing concern involves food hygiene standards. Reports of contaminated food products have raised the red flag on domestic food safety.


Adam: I remember the public outrage when it was discovered that one company had recycled year-old stuffing in its moon cakes for sale.


Mike: Yes, and there have been other reports of contaminated rice and infected chickens. Well-publicized incidents like these can have a far-reaching negative impact on the food market. In the case of the moon cakes, for example, only one unscrupulous company was involved. But the whole moon cake market suffered a sharp drop in sales.


Adam: Food safety scares like those can really undermine public confidence. But are they just isolated incidents, or do they reflect a broader problem in China’s food industry?

亚当: 像这种对食品安全的恐惧,真的有可能削弱公众对食品市场的信任。但它们是孤立的个别事件呢,还是反映了中国食品工业更为普遍存在的问题?

Mike: In fact, there have been significant improvements over the past two decades. Now close to 90% of domestic-made food passes hygienic standards.

麦克: 事实上, 这种情况在过去的二十年里已经取得了很大的改进。现在有将近90%的国内食品通过了卫生标准。

Adam: What about the remaining 10%? What are the main problems?


Mike: Farm produce may contain traces of chemical pesticides that pose a treat to human health. In addition, farmers may feed their livestock excessive additives or inject them with banned veterinary medicines. These things make them more productive-but are also toxic to humans.

麦克: 农产品可能会有农药残留, 这对人体健康构成一种威胁。另外,农民饲养家畜时, 使用过量的添加剂或是给它们注射禁用的兽药。这些做法能提高产量,但对人体却是有害的。

Adam: The profit motive must be hard to overcome.


Mike: Well, some food producers are just ignorant of the hazards in the fertilizers and feed they’re using. But others are more concerned about profits than they are about consumer protection. The new laws might make them think twice by imposing tougher standards and stiffer fines.


Adam: Who’s responsible for the enforcement of food hygiene standards?


Mike: Multiple government departments and agencies have responsibility in this area, which can lead to enforcement problems by itself.

麦克: 多个政府部门和机构都有这方面的职责。但是,这样做本身也会导致一些执行方面的问题。

Adam: So what should be done?

亚当: 那么该怎么办呢?

Mike: There has been a call for a single agency that would oversee food products “from farm to table”-for the sake of efficiency as well as effectiveness.


Adam: It sounds as if you’ve given these issues a lot of serious attention and are really getting a handle on the problem.


Mike: We have indeed made a lot of progress in addressing the problems that impede and hinder progress in China’s food industry. We are confident of bringing the domestic food industry up to international standards in the not-too-distant future.

麦克:在处理阻碍中国食品工业发展的问题上, 我们确实已经取得了很大的进步。我们也有信心在不久的将来把我国食品工业提高到国际水平。

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