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Most wars nowadays are civil wars, and in many of today’s conflicts civilians have become the main targets of violence. Armies count their own losses, but there is no agency whose job is to keep a tally of civilians killed. In many cases, the conflict eventually becomes so dangerous that the international community finds itself obliged to intervene. But, the most effective interventions are not military. Wherever possible intervention should consist in preventive diplomacy and correcting the causes of conflict such as ethnic tension and poverty.

Humanitarian Intervention for Healthcare Relief in Armed Conflict.

The humanitarian healthcare provider who intends to offer relief during armed conflict needs to understand the operating environment. This category is broken down into four subcategories to foster this basic understanding:

Analysis: Sources that identify key trends in humanitarian policy; examine the role and healthcare contributions of several NGOs; and outlines some obstacles to providing healthcare outside of impediments caused by war.

Management: This subcategory focuses on lessons learned by humanitarian providers who have operated in environments in conflict. These resources offer insight into the challenging physical and psychological conditions of the healthcare recipient, and the limitations in security and information access imposed by the combat environment. They address procedure modification and the leveraging of unconventional assets to facilitate support.

Coordination: Features two sources that highlight the necessity of proper coordination and how to coordinate for support in the conflict environment. It identifies humanitarian key players and models and mechanisms that facilitate the coordination process.

Civil-Military Cooperation: The humanitarian practitioner who provides support during armed conflict will encounter some form of military influence. This subcategory highlights the positive and negative aspects of working with the military when providing support from a civilian and military perspective.

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