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A business trip or official trip is a travel/journey caused by business necessities. The place of employment is left temporarily, e.g.

1. to visit customers, suppliers or a trade fair

2. to participate in congresses or seminars

3. for further education

4. for excursions for research, scientific campaigns

5. for teachers to participate in study trips, school or exploratory trips

6. for work in civil engineering, construction, geology, etc.

Business trips have to be approved by the employer, who usually meets the costs. The traveling expenses can be calculated in detail or by a lump sum, depending on the average expense of the travel country. For activities away, the correspondent term in military is duty travel, in politics facility trip.

How to plan a business trip?

7. Travel with enough information on the country you are visiting, including information on traditions and security concerns.

8. Photocopy any official documents you might have with you, scan them, and email them to yourself so that you can assess them wherever you are.

9. Save your work onto a laptop memory stick or memory card. Even if you lose your laptop, you will still have your business presentation with you.

10. To relieve symptoms of jetlag, hydrate yourself significantly, and avoid alcohol and caffeine for a few days before your trip.

11. Try to relax and sleep on your flight and be energetic once you reach your destination. Try to sleep when locals do in order to get used to the local time.

12. Don’t count your money in public, especially when you visit a poor country, as you might become a target of thieves.

13. Check out the political situation in the country you visit and get psychologically prepared so you know what to expect. Official websites on the International are useful tools to prepare you.

14. Don’t use or take an expensive mobile phone; you do not want to advertise your wealth. It is better to take an older, reliable model.

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