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Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Center(hereinafter referred to as “the Center”), endorsed by the Beijing Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal People’s Government,was established in November 2006. As the permanent institution of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Leading Group (hereinafter referred to as “the Leading Group”) and its General Office, the Center specializes in promoting the development of Beijing’s cultural and creative industry.

The Center, in light of the instructions of the Beijing Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Municipal People’s Government, will perform its functions creatively in order to promote sound and rapid development of the cultural and creative industry.

Responsibilities of the Center:

(1) To undertake the day-to-day work assigned by the Leading Group and its general office and coordinate, under their instructions, the promotion of the development of Beijing cultural and creative industry;

(2) To coordinate the implementation of such policies as the Policies on Promoting the Development of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry, and the Measures for the Identification and Administration of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster Areas (Trial Implementation); to take charge of identification, review and assessment, statistics and daily management of the Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster Areas and training bases for cultural and creative industry personnel in the city; to deal with identification applications transferred to the General Office of the Leading Group from various district (county) governments, relevant commissions,offices and bureaus, organize and entrust intermediary institutions to carry out field studies and assessment at the applying organization before reporting to the General Office of the Leading Group for review.

(3) To implement, under the authorization of the General Office of the Leading Group, the Measures for the Management of Special Funds for the Development of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry (Trial Implementation) and detailed management rules, organize annual project application and reporting, receive applications, organize evaluation and review by competent intermediary institutions and experts and follow up on the use of the special funds.

(4) To organize relevant departments to carry out field studies on the implementation of the development plan of cultural and creative industry in Beijing and other related policies, organize and coordinate on-site investigations of key research projects regarding Beijing’s cultural and creative industry; to support and follow up key projects.

(5) To collect basic information on cultural and creative industry in Beijing, build an intermediary service platform encompassing information consulting, investment consulting, legal consulting, intermediary service, and an authorized certification system; to release industry information, coordinate the establishment of the statistical and monitoring system of Beijing Cultural and Creative Industry Cluster Areas, monitor and analyze the development trends of the cultural and creative industry on a quarterly basis.

(6) To build a public technology service and trading platform for Beijing cultural and creative industry, vigorously encourage original works and push forward the intellectual property right protection for cultural and creative industry.

(7) To undertake other duties assigned by the Leading Group, its General Office and the Publicity Department of Beijing Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Purposes of the Center:

Putting people first, stimulating creativity, creating classic works, and expanding the industry.

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