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C=Clerk (前台职员) G=Guest (宾客)

C: Good morning. This is room reservation. May I help you, sir?早上好,这是客房预订部,能为您效劳吗?

G: Well, I'd like to reserve a room.噢,我想预订一个房间。

C: Thank you, sir. Which date would that be?谢谢您,要订哪天的?

G: From October 15 to 17.从10月15日到17日。

C: How many nights will you be staying?要住几晚呢?

G: Three nights.3个晚上。

C: How many guests are there in your party?你们一共有多少位客人呢?

G: Only my wife and I.只有我太太和我。

C: What kind of room would you prefer, a double or a twin room?你喜欢什么样的房间,是一张双人床的还是两张单人床的房间呢?

G: A twin room, please.我要一间两张单人床的房间。

C: Could you hold the line, please? I'll check if there's a room available for those days. Thank you for waiting, Sir. We have a twin at HK$1000 and HK$1500. Which one would you prefer?请别挂断好吗?我要查查那几天有没有空房。先生,让您久等了,我们有港币1000元和1500元的两张单人床的房间,您喜欢哪一间呢?

G: What's the difference?房间有何差别?

C: A room with a front view is HK$1500 per night, one with a rear view is HK$1000 per night.临街的房间每晚港币1500元,而背街的房间每晚港币1000元。

G: We will take the one at HK$1500.我们要订1500元港币的房间。

C: Certainly, Sir. May I have your name and initials, please?好的,先生,请告诉我您贵姓及名字的第一个字母好吗?

G: Yes, it's Carruthers T. E.好的,我叫凯鲁瑟斯·T.E.。

C: Can you tell me how to spell that, please?请告诉我怎么拼好吗?

G: C, A, double R, U, T, H, E, R, S.C, A,两个R, U, T, H, E, R, S。

C: Mr. Carruthers. May I have your phone number, please?凯鲁瑟斯先生,请给我您的电话号码好吗?

G: Yes, the number is 06-321-2345.好的,号码是06-321-2345。

C: 06-321-2345. Is this your home phone number?06-321-2345。这是您家里的电话号码吗?

G: Yes, it is.是的。

C: What time do you expect to arrive, Sir?先生,您预计什么时候抵达?

G: Oh, around 5 p.m. I suppose.嗯,我想是下午5点左右吧。

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