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R=Receptionist (接待员) G=Guest (宾客)

G: I want a double room with a bath. How much do you charge for a day?我想订一个带浴室的双人间。每天的房价是多少呢?

R: It is a hundred yuan a day including heating fee but excluding service charge.每天100元,包括取暖费但不包括服务费。

G: It's quite reasonable.价格挺合理。

R: How long do you intend to stay in our hotel?请问您要住多久?

G: I shall leave in a fortnight (half a month).我要住两周(半个月)。

R: Have you got through with the check-in procedure?您已经办好入住手续了吗?

G: Oh, yes, I'm going to fill in the form of registration right now. Can I book a single room for my friend beforehand as he will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow morning?是的,我现在正要填入住登记表。我能提前为我朋友订一个单人间吗?他明天上午就要到上海了。

R: Sure. Here is the form for reservations. Would you mind filling in this form and pay a hundred yuan in advance for him?当然可以了,这是预订表格。请您为他填写一下,您还要为他提前预交100元押金。

G: All right. This is one hundred yuan to pay for my reservation.好的。给你预订房间的100元。

R: Thank you. This is a receipt for advance payment. Please keep it.谢谢。这是押金收据。请您收好。

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