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S=Staff (员工) G=Guest (宾客)

S: Hello, can I help you?您好,请问您需要什么服务?

G: Yes, I'd like to get a spa treatment. How much do you charge here?我想做水疗。你们这儿怎么收费?

S: 100 RMB for once. But if you buy a card for 10 times, we only charge you 800.一次一百。如果办一张十次的卡,只收八百。

G: Ok. I'll go for that card.那我办一张卡吧。

S: Please register here first.好的,请您先登记一下。


S=Staff (员工) G=Guest (宾客)

G: I don't feel so well. My whole body aches!我觉得不太对劲,全身酸痛!

S: Oh... I know just the thing, you need to go have a SPA.真的啊……我知道了,你需要去做个水疗了。

G: Is there a SPA center in the hotel?我们宾馆有吗?

S: Yes. It is on the 10th floor.是的。在十楼。

G: How does it work? Do I have to soak with other people?效果怎么样呢?必须和别人一起泡吗?

S: You can rent your own room or go to the group pool. There are both public and private facilities你可以选择租私人房间或者洗大众浴池。有公共的,也有私人的设施。

G: Which is better?哪一种比较好呢?

S: Well, the public facilities, of course, are cheaper, but the private ones tend to be nicer and cleaner. I guarantee you'll feel like a new man afterwards!这个嘛……公共浴池当然比较便宜,但是私人的房间雅致多了,也干净多了。我保证你泡完温泉一定会感觉脱胎换骨!

G: OK. I'll rent a private room.好的。我要个私人间。

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