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S=Staff (员工) G=Guest (旅客)

S: Good morning, Ms. Lee, how can I help you?早上好,李女士,我能帮你吗?

G: Yes. Would you please find a room for our business meeting?是的。你能找一个供我们召开商务会议的房间吗?

S: Certainly. How many people do you have?当然。你们有多少人?

G: About six.大约6人。

S: That's fine. We have a conference room on executive floor, which can seat up to 8 people. Would you like to have a look?没关系。我们在行政楼层有一个会议室,可容纳8人。你愿意看看吗?

G: Yes, please.是的,请。

S: This room can seat up to 8 people and we offer tea free of charge for your meeting. For you are staying in executive floor, you can use the meeting room two hours complimentary per day.这个房间可以容纳多达8人,我们为您的会议提供免费的茶。因为您住在行政楼层,您每天可以免费使用会议室两小时。

G: That's great.那真是太好了。

S: When will you use it, Ms. Lee?您要什么时候用呢,李女士?

G: Um, We'll start the meeting at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.哦,我们将在明天早上8点开始会议。

S: May I know how long will you use the meeting room?我可以知道你用多长时间的会议室吗?

G: About 4 hours, and how much does it cost for the extra hours?大约4小时,额外时间收费多少钱?

S: The charge for the extra 2 hours is RMB200, Ms. Lee.额外的2个小时费用是300元,李女士。

G: That's fine.好的。

S: And do you need any other facilities for the meeting, like projector or white broad?你还要任何其他设施吗,如投影仪或白板?

G: No, thanks.不,谢谢。

S: Ms. Lee, we'll arrange the meeting room for you. The meeting time is 8:00 to 12:00 tomorrow morning. We'll offer complimentary tea for your meeting, and the room rental is RMB200 after discount.李女士,我们会为你安排会议室。会议时间是明天上午8:00~12:00。我们将为你的会议提供免费茶水,房间的租金打折后是300元。

G: That's right. Thank you.没错。谢谢你!

S: You are welcome.不客气。

G: Goodbye.再见。

S: Goodbye and have a nice day再见,祝过的愉快。

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