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A: The Summer Palace.is different from the Old Summer Palace, there's so much water in it.

B: That's right. Kunming lake in the centre covers an area of 2.2 square kilometres.

A: Because of the lake, I feel cool here in summer.

B: After all, it's a summer resort built for the emperor.

A: Besides the beautiful scenery, the buildings on the hill are also magnificent.

B: Look at that. It is called the Tower of Buddhist Incense and is one of the most famous buildings in the Summer Palace.

A: Wow, it looks very similar to the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan.

A: 和圆明园不同,颐和园有很多水啊。

B: 没错,昆明湖占了2.2平方公里。

A: 因为有这个湖,我觉得夏天也很凉爽。

B: 毕竟这是为皇上建的避暑胜地啊。

A: 除了美丽的风景,山上的建筑也很壮观。

B: 看那边,它叫做佛香阁,是颐和园里比较有名的建筑之一。

A: 哇,看上去很像武汉的黄鹤楼啊。

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