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A: Hi,Sally,I always see you together with Brian.What's going on with you guys?Are you in a relationship?

A: 嘿,萨莉,我总见你和布赖恩在一起,你俩在做什么呢?是不是在谈恋爱啊?

B: Well,it's complicated.We've been seeing each other for more than half a year now,but the relation between us is never clear cut.Sometimes I feel like we are boyfriend and girlfriend,but more often than not I think we are still in the friend stage.It's really hard to define where we are.

B: 嗯,这比较复杂。我们在一起也有半年多了。但关系从来没太确定过。有时我觉得我俩像是男女朋友,但更多时候我想我们还是处于朋友阶段。要说我俩现在是什么关系还真挺难的。

A: I see.What do you think of being in volved with a foreigner? You know many girls in China wouldn't even dream of seeing a foreigner.They certainly think of it as crazy!



A: I never thought I would date with a foreigner before I met Paul.


B:Yeah,it is all about destiny.But have you ever thought about the fact that foreigners don't just come to China for no reason at all?

B: 是啊,这就是命中注定的。但是你有没有想过,外国人是不会无缘无故地来中国。

A: Yeah,I know.Paul is still trying to find what he wants to do in his life.I know he won't stay here forever.But I don't know about what I want either. I know I like him.And I feel happy to be with him.

A: 嗯,我知道。保罗还在确定他自己想做什么。我知道他不会永远待在这里的。但我也不知道我现在想要什么,我只知道我喜欢他。而且和他在一起我很开心。

B:I see.It's important that you two can be happy together,in the meanwhile,trying to find out what you want to do with your life.I wish things can work out with you guys.


A: Thanks.

A: 谢谢。

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