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A: May I suggest going to a dance this evening?

A: 今天晚上去跳舞怎么样?

B: That s a good idea.

B: 好主意。

A: I know a very good place not far from here. I ll pick you up at 8∶00. Take a rest before going there.

A: 我知道离这里不远有个很好的地方。我8点来接你。去跳舞之前先休息一下。

B: The dance hall looks magnificent and the music is wonderful. I like the atmosphere.

B: 这舞厅看上去很豪华,音乐也很精彩。我喜欢这里的气氛。

A: I m glad you like it. The band is called Devil and Angle. They are especially good at playing rock and roll.

A: 我很高兴你能喜欢这里。这个乐队叫做“魔鬼与天使”,他们非常擅长演奏摇滚乐。

B: That s great!I love to dance to fast music.

B: 太好了!我喜欢随着快节拍的音乐跳舞。

A: Then you must be interested in disco.

A: 那你一定很喜欢迪斯科了?

B: Yeah, that s my favorite. It s great fun and a good exercise as well.

B: 是的,它是我最喜欢的舞蹈了。跳迪斯科既是一种娱乐,又可以健身。

A: Ah, it s a disco. Let s dance.

A: 啊,是迪斯科,我们跳吧。

B: You re a good dancer.

B: 你跳得很好。

A: Thank you. Now they are playing a waltz. Would you have a try?

A: 谢谢,现在他们演奏的是华尔兹,想跳吗?

B: Sorry. I feel like sitting out the next dance.

B: 抱歉,我想坐一会儿,下一曲再跳吧。

A: OK. Do you want me to get you something to drink?

A: 好吧。要我给你拿些喝的吗?

B: No, thank you.

B: 不用了,谢谢你。

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