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A: Recently I've been giving private English lessons to a teenager,which is a new experience for me.

A: 最近我一直在给一个小孩做英语家教,我以前没做过。

B: Sounds nice.How is the kid?

B: 听起来不错。那孩子怎么样?

A:Well,he's thirteen years old now.As a boy born in the 90s,I think his experience is typical of his generation.Honestly,I feel very sorry for him.

A: 他今年十三岁了。作为一个90后的小孩,我觉得他的经历在他那一代小孩子中很典型。说实话,我很替这个小孩难过。

B: How come? The classes are not good?

B: 为什么呢?上课不太顺利?

A: It's not that the classes are not good.I try to make the lessons challenging and fun but the kid doesn't seem to be too enthusiastic about learning English.It's very hard to get him to say anything besides a simple yes or no.



A:I'm guessing that it's more of his parents' ideas than his own.I've spoke with his parents a couple of times,but it seems that to them it doesn't matter whether their son is interested or not,he has to learn math simply because they themselves believe math is important.


B:I see.That is very common among Chinese parents now.They enroll their kids in various classes they believe to be important and don't consider their kids' interest at all.

B: 我明白了。现在中国的父母普遍如此啊。他们让孩子报告参加各种各样他们自己认为重要的补习班,根本不考虑孩子是不是感兴趣。

A:Yeah.It might be hard to learn something you're not interested in.But it's impossible to teach someone who doesn't want to learn.


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