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A:Hi,Maggie,I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.I was about to leave the office when a student came in to talk with me about his problem.

A: 喂,玛吉,很抱歉让你久等了。我刚要离开办公室,有一个学生进来了,要跟我讲他的问题。

B:It's okay,Rob.Actually,I've just arrived.What's wrong with your student?

B: 没关系,罗伯特,其实我也是刚到。你的学生怎么了?

A: You know those born in the 1990s don't have a good reputation for being independent.This boy is particularly so.I remember the first day he came to college,the entire family came with him including his grandparents on both sides of the family,all centering on him.

A: 你知道大家往往都说90后的学生自立能力不强,这个男孩子尤其如此。我记得他第一天上大学时,他全家都来了,爷爷奶奶,外公外婆,爸爸妈妈全都围着他转。

B: He is so spoted.

B: 他可真是被惯坏了啊!

A: Yeah,so they brought along virtually everything! I can hardly think of any reason the boy needs to go shopping,ever!

A: 是啊,他们往往什么都带过来。我当时真的觉得那男生用不着出去买任何东西了。


A: Hi,Justin,could you read this?


B: It's from the status of my cousin on QQ.She always uses these bewildering symbols for her QQ status.

B: 这是我表妹的QQ签名,她的QQ签名总是用一些稀奇古怪的符号。

A: So she is born in the 1990s?

A: 那她是90后吧?

B: Yep.What's about those born in the 1990s?


A: Well,these kids claim to have their own culture—what they call the non mainstream culture of Generation 90s,as distinct from the mainstream culture.It's no wonder you can't read your cousin's status,because it's written in their own language—the Mars language.

A: 哦,这些孩子声称有自己的文化,他们称其为90后非主流文化,以便同主流文化区别开来。你看不懂你表妹的签名没有什么奇怪的,因为她是用他们自己的语言,火星文写的。

B:The Mars language? Sounds quite interesting.


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