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A: As we all know the earth that we live on is a beautiful planet.

A: 大家都知道,我们居住的地球是个美丽的行星。

B: Of course. Our planet,the earth is made up of land and oceans,mountains and rivers,plants,animals and people. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser,and most of the gas drifted away leaving behind bodies of solid matter. These bodies eventually collected together to form solid earth.

B: 当然是的。我们的地球是由陆地、海洋、高山、河流、植物、动物和人类构成的。后来,这颗星球变得越来越小,密度越来越大,大部分气体飘走了,只留下一些固体的物质。这些物质最后汇集到一起,形成了坚硬的地球。

A: Then the inside of the solid earth became hot and molten causing certain materials to rise to the surface. This probably resulted in the formation of the earth's layers.

A: 后来,坚硬的地球内部变热熔化,使某些物质升到地球的表面。这兴许是地层形成的原因。

B: Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard,while the core is probably hot and molten.

B: 今天的地表层,或者叫做地壳,又凉又硬,而地核或许依然很热,处于熔化状态。

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