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A: New Year is approaching,Lucy.What's your New Year resolution?

A: 新年就要到了,露西。你的新年决心是什么?

B: Forget it,Dad,it's a load of crap.Last year I decided to go on a diet.But at last I'm still gaining.

B: 别提了,爸爸,这太傻了。去年我决心节食,但最终我仍然体重往上长。

A: So,this year you should make a resolution again and keep it! Come on,don't be too blue.Make your resolution and you'll succeed this year.

A: 所以,今年你应该再次下决心,并且要保持。快点,别这么沮丧。下定决心,今年你会成功的。

B: Ok,Ok.I want to try hard and get enrolled into a prestigious university...say...Stanford.

B: 好吧,好吧,我想努力学习,录取进入一所有威望的大学……比如说……斯坦福大学。

A: Great! Remember,a good beginning is half the battle.

A: 太棒了!记住,好的开始是成功的一半。


A: Are you going to celebrate?

A: 你们打算庆祝吗?

B: I don't have any plans to celebrate.What about you?

B: 我还没有什么过节的安排。你呢?

A: I'm having some friends and family over for dinner.Do you want to come?

A: 我请了一些朋友和家里人一起吃晚餐。你想过来吗?

B: Sure.Are you going to do anything special to celebrate?

B: 当然了,你们会做什么特别的事情来庆祝节日吗?

A:Yes,we're going to have a big meal together,play mahjong,and make dumplings together.


B: When do you plan on eating the dumplings?


A:It's a tradition in China to eat the dumplings at midnight.

A: 中国的传统习惯是半夜吃饺子。

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