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A: Mrs. Smith, please allow me to introduce my best friend, Pierre.

A: 史密斯小姐,请容许我介绍一下我比较好的朋友,皮埃尔。

B: How do you do,Pierre.

B: 你好,皮埃尔。

C: Hello, Mrs.Smith.

C: 你好,史密斯小姐。

B: What s your first impression of Italy?

B: 意大利给你的第一感觉是什么?

C: Well, I am still not used to the food here.

C: 嗯, 我还没有习惯这里的饭菜。

B: Oh, where are you from?

B: 哦, 你从哪儿来?

C: Well, I am from China.

C: 我从中国来。

B: Oh, I have a Chinese friend who is not used to the food either, but she is much better now. So I believe you ll get used to it soon!

B: 哦, 我有个中国朋友, 刚开始她也不适应这里的饭菜, 但是现在好多了。我肯定不久你就会适应的。

C: I hope so.

C: 我希望是。

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