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A: You ll never guess what I heard about Sarah the other day.

A: 你怎么都不会相信我前几天听说的萨拉的事。

B: Tell me. Some gossip!

B: 说吧。小声点!

A: Well, she and Pete have gone to live on the south coast of France!

A: 她和彼得已经搬到法国南部的海边了!

B: Really! That s a turn up for the books.Luck them.

B: 真的! 真是像书上写的一般。祝他们好运。

A: Sarah doesn t speak French. She s quite good with German though. I think she speaks a little French.

A: 萨拉不会说法语, 尽管她德语说得很好。我想她可能只会说一点法语。

B: Yes, there shouldn t be too much of a problem with the language. I don t see them together for long though.

B: 是。语言不会是很大的麻烦。我看见他们在一起不是很长。

A: No, I don t think it ll last.

A: 不, 我想还没有结束。

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