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A: Just remember. The main thing right now is to make sure Mary is happy.

A: 切记一件事。目前的要务是确保玛丽高兴。

B: Right. You re right. But she s just evil. Someone should drive a stake through her heart.

B: 对,你说得对。不过她真是坏到家了。真该有人让她木桩穿心的。

A: Elvin, please. Can I count on you to keep your cool for a week, or not?

A: 埃尔文,别这样。你给我冷静一个星期,我能信得过你吗?

B: I m OK. I ll be fine. I v been cool. I m cold. I m like ice. She won t know what hit her.

B: 我可以。我会没事的。我很冷静。我冷若冰霜。她不会知道是被谁暗算的。

A: By the way, how s the nose? Boy, that must be hurt.

A: 对了,鼻子还好吗?要命,那一定痛死了。


A: What s happened to Jack? He looks so excited!

A: 杰克怎么了?他看起来那么兴奋!

B: He made a bomb in his business.

B: 他赚了一笔。

A: How come? He told me that his business had almost landed on the rocks only a couple of days ago! Besides, he doesn t seem to be cut out for doing business.

A: 怎么做到的? 几天前他曾跟我说他的生意没前途了!而且他看上去好像并不适合做生意啊。

B: Fools may have a fortune. And this is why he went ape when he made bundles.

B: 傻人有傻福。这就是为什么他发大财后变得神气十足了。

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