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无故失约是对他人的较大的不尊重,约会多人时没有事先打招呼,这些都是失礼或不妥的表现。下面小编为大家整理的失约道歉英语对话 ,希望对大家有用!


A: Hello.Hawaiian Air Lines.

A: 您好,夏威夷航空公司。

B: Could I have extension 511,please?

B: 请问我能连接分机511吗?

A: I m sorry the number s engaged.Would you wait, please?

A: 对不起,现在正忙,请稍等,好么?

B: Sure.(One minute later)

B: 好的。(一分钟后)

A: The line is free. I can put you through now.

A: 已经不占线了,我现在给您接通。

C: Hello.This is Jim.Who is that, please?

C: 你好,我是吉姆,请问你是哪位?

B: Hello, Jim, this is Mary.

B: 你好,吉姆,我是玛丽。

C: Mary, I...

C: 玛丽,我…

B: Where were you last night,Jim? You said you would be here at nine o clock!

B: 昨晚你去哪里了,吉姆?你说九点到我这里来的!

C: Oh! I m sorry.There is something urgent yesterday and my cell phone was power off.

C: 哦,对不起,我昨天遇到了急事,而且我的手机停电了。

B: Then what was the matter?

B: 那是怎么一回事?

C: David caught a cold and I went to hospital with him. When I got home, it was 11o clock, so I didn t ring you.

C: 戴维感冒我陪他去医院,等我回来已经十一点了,就没给你打电话。

B: That is it?

B: 就是这样吗?

C: Yes, I swear it won t happen again.

C: 就是这样,我发誓不会再有这样的事了。

B: I hope so.

B: 希望如此吧。

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