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A: How old are you?

A: 你多大了?

B: Ten...but I ll be eleven on May 17th.

B: 10岁……但5月17日我将满11岁。

A: I m older than you. I ll be eleven on May 15th.

A: 我比你大。我5月15日满11岁。

B: Are you going to have a birthday party?

B: 你将会有一个生日晚会吗?

A: Sure. My mother has prepared a big birthday cake. And you?

A: 当然。我妈妈已经给我订了一个大蛋糕。你呢?

B: Maybe. I ll have to ask my mother. She is very fond of me.

B: 或许吧。我要问一下我妈妈。她很爱我的。

A: Are you free tomorrow afternoon?

A: 明天下午你有空吗?

B: I suppose so.

B: 我想有吧。

A: How would you like to play tennis with me tomorrow?

A: 明天和我去打网球如何?

B: That would be nice. Where shall we meet?And at what time?

B: 那太好了。在什么地方,何时见面?

A: How about usual place at about 2∶00 p.m.?

A: 下午 2点在老地方见如何?

B: That s settled then.

B: 那就这样定吧。

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