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A: Have you heard that many workers have been dismissed in that factory?

A: 那个工厂的不少工人下岗了,你听说了吗?

B: Yes, I knew that from A to Z.

B: 对此我了如指掌。

A: We ll get a big bonus this year, won t we?

A: 今年我们有很多奖金,是不是?

B: Don t count on it.

B: 别指望了。

A: Who do you think the new general manager is going to be?

A: 你认为新的总经理会是谁?

B: I don t know. I haven t heard any rumors.

B: 不知道,我没听到任何传闻。

A: Well, keep your ear to the ground and let me know the moment you hear something.

A: 好,那你就注意人们说什么,一有消息就告诉我。

B: Sure. If I get news, I ll call you right away.

B: 那当然,如果我得到什么消息,就马上打电话告诉你。

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