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A: Sorry to trouble you, but could you direct me to the manager s office room?

A: 打扰您一下,您能告诉我经理办公室在哪里吗?

B: All right. He is in room 932on the ninth floor. You can go up by the lift at the end of this corridor.

B: 好的。他在九层的932房间。你可以在走廊的尽头坐电梯。

A: I got it, but which lift please?

A: 知道了。请问是哪个电梯?

B: Any one will do.

B: 哪个都可以到。

A: Thanks very much.

A: 谢谢!

B: Not at all.

B: 不客气。


A: Pardon me, could you please tell me how to get to the Yuquan Road?

A: 打扰一下,请问您能告诉我怎样去玉泉路吗?

B: Go straight along this street for about 400 yards. Then you will come to a bridge, walk across it and turn right.

B: 沿着这条路直走400码。然后你会看到一座桥,穿过去,然后右转。

A: Wow, it seems quite long. By the way, can I go there by bus?

A: 哇,看起来好长。请问有去那里的公交车没?

B: Yes, you can take the bus 405in the stop over there.

B: 有,你可以在那个公交站坐405路。

A: Thanks very much! It s very kind of you.

A: 非常感谢,您真好。

B: My pleasure.

B: 不客气。

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