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A: Excuse me, please. Is this way right for the zoo?

A: 对不起,请问到动物园走这条路对吗?

B: No, you are going in the opposite direction. Take the third turning on to the left and go straight on. Turn right at the cross roads. Then it s just two block ahead.

B: 不对,你走的是相反的方向。在第三个拐角处往左拐,再一直往前走。在十字路口向右拐,再朝前走过两条横马路就是。

A: Is it far? Is it too far to walk? Will it take me long to get there?

A: 远吗?能不能走着去? 要很长时间才能到那儿吗?

B: No, it s no distance at all. It s only about five minute s walk.

B: 不远,一点也不远。只有5分钟的路。

A: Is it easy to find?

A: 容易找到吗?

B: Yes, there s a signboard at the gate. You won t miss it.

B: 很容易找到,门口有块牌子,你不会错过的。8.问路程时间(1)

A: Excuse me. Can you help me?

A: 劳驾,你能帮帮我吗?

B: Yes, what do you want me to do?

B: 可以,你要我帮你做什么?

A: Could you tell me how to get to the National Library?

A: 你能告诉我怎么到国家图书馆吗?

B: Sure, you can take the No.320 bus.

B: 当然能,你可以坐320路公共汽车。

A: Can I walk there?

A: 我能步行到那儿吗?

B: No, it s too far to walk.

B: 步行路太远。

A: How long does it take by the bus?

A: 坐公共汽车要多长时间?

B: About 25minutes.

B: 大约要25分钟。

A: Thanks a lot.

A: 多谢你了。

B: It s a pleasure.

B: 不客气。

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