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A: Hi, would you mind sparing me some time?

A: 嗨,我有事占用您点时间好吗?

B: Of course not. What is the matter?

B: 没问题。什么事?

A: Well, I have a question for you. Can you tell me the difference between “how do you do” and “hello”? I feel confused about them.

A: 哦,我有个问题,你能告诉我“how do you do”和“hello”之间的区别吗?我有点糊涂。

B: I m sorry I don t follow you.

B: 对不起,我没听清楚。

A: I asked can you distinguish between “how do you do” and “hello”. Are they the same?

A: 我问你是否能区分“how do you do”和“hello”,它们是一样的吗?

B: Oh, of course not. They are different. The former is used between strangers, usually in very formal occasions, while the latter is used between friends or strangers in informal occasions.

B: 哦,当然不一样。前者是用在陌生人之间的,并且通常是在非常正式的场合使用;后者一般用作熟人或者非正式场合的陌生人之间。

A: Will you slow down a little bit? I didn t catch your meaning.

A: 你说的慢些好吗?我没理解你的意思。

B: “How do you do” is usually used between people when they meet the first time in a formal occasion; “hello” is usually used between familiar friends and strangers in informal occasions.

B: “How do you do”通常用在人们第一次见面的时候,而且是正式的场合使用;“hello”通常用在熟人朋友之间或者非正式场合的陌生人之间。

A: Oh, I got it. Thank you very much!

A: 噢,我知道了。谢谢你!

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