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A: God, where is my backpack? I put it here five minutes ago.

A: 天哪, 我的背包怎么不见了? 五分钟前我把它放这了。

B: I don t know. But where did you leave it?

B: 我不知道。你到底把它放哪了?

A: I went out to get a cup of coffee and put it on your chair 5minutes ago, but now it s gone.

A: 五分钟前我出去要了一杯咖啡把它放在你的凳子上了, 但是现在不见了。

B: Are you sure?

B: 你确定?

A: Of course, I m sure! I bet someone stole it. Why can t you just keep an eye on it?

A: 当然! 我猜有人拿走了。你就不能帮我留意一下吗?


A: He s such a slob, and so inconsiderate.

A: 他真够懒的, 太轻率了。

B: That d drive me crazy too. You are supposed to have a talk with him.

B: 这让我也要疯了。你应该跟他谈谈。

A: I just don t want to say a word with him!

A: 我一点都不想跟他说!

B: That s not necessary. You are friends, after all.

B: 不要这样。你们毕竟是朋友。

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