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A: What the hell are you doing? Why do you slam the brake? It is the green light right now!

A: 你究竟在干什么? 为什么要刹车? 刚才是绿灯!

B: Oh, I am sorry. It turns out to be red to me.

B: 哦, 对不起。刚才我看到的是红灯。

A: What? In that case, how could you get the driver s license? It is so dangerous!

A: 什么? 这种情况你是怎么拿到驾照的? 太危险了!

B: I am sorry, sir.

B: 对不起, 先生。


A: Did you send an E-mail to our branch office in Hong Kong?

A: 你给我们在香港的分公司发电子邮件了吗?

B: Not yet. I m terribly sorry. It slipped my mind.

B: 还没有。非常抱歉。我不留神忘了。

A: What on earth is in your mind? You can t always forget things.

A: 你到底在想什么呢?你不能总是忘事呀。

B: I m sorry. It won t happen again.

B: 对不起。下不为例。

A: Apologize can not make things better.

A: 抱歉并不能把事情变好。

B: You d better get a notebook, and write down all the important matters.

B: 你比较好找个笔记本,把所有重要的事情都记录下来。

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